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Seven Year Dream

     Just in case you missed it. I finished my month of training with ISM and I am now at my internship. I am so thankful for my amazing month with ISM. I was able to learn so much and grow with an amazing group of people. The likelihood of falling flat on my face without the help of ISM would be much greater than it is now that I was able to spend that time in training and transition. However, I am so happy to finally be at Nightlight working and serving. I serve in the office as an office assistant, but within that role I am blessed to be able to do a number of different things. I do some data entry, work sales, clean the showroom, give tours, attend outreach, I have the opportunity to teach English once a week for some of the women, and I help with whatever else needs to be done.
     Some times working in an office or cleaning a room can seem mundane and pointless, but when I truly stop and think about the reality of where I am and what I'm doing I find myself being blown away by what's happening. When I was a Sophomore in high school I started having the small desire to travel, and Thailand was one of the places I wanted to visit. My junior year, as I learned more about the issue, I gained an interest in helping people that where stuck in the cycle of trafficking or the sex industry. It was then that I decided I wanted to travel and I help people. This was 6-7 years ago. These interests and desires grew into passions and callings. They became something that I couldn't keep from talking about. I prayed about coming to Thailand and looked into it; it seemed like something that wasn't going to happen. Yet, here I am. This season has been on its way for 7 years.
     II am astounded at how faithful God is. Along the way he asked me to do things and go places that honestly, didn't make sense to me. I didn't see how some of the things I was doing were going to help me get to Thailand. I didn't see the big picture, but God did. Everything God had me do has been leading up to this moment. I didn't understand at the time but looking back I am amazed at the way he worked in my life. I am walking in the fulfillment of a promise, and it's astounding.
     In the moment I may not immediately see how sweeping the hallway is helping someone, but everything is connected. By sweeping a hallway maybe, just maybe, I'm freeing up someone who has more experience than me to go out and have a vital conversation with someone. I might not feel like I'm accomplishing great things when I run a sheet of paper from one building to the next. Yet, looking back on everything that has led me here I have learned this. Being faithful in the little things, being obedient when it doesn't seem to matter or make sense, is often where the big journey begins. Being faithful in the small leads to participating in the big.


  1. I am so excited and proud of you!

  2. Love you and very proud of you!

  3. The wisdom you have gained young friend is priceless!!!! Those lessons will be what you teach someone else as this world has to get more difficult..not hard..LOL!!! Because with Jesus we can get "through" anything!! So THANKFUL the Lord brought your family to Ark City...see you were given the example of being obedient when things dont make sense by those loving parents who probably had not idea where it would lead and make a BIG difference. Thank you for your example to my kids and myself for I think of you and your journey more than you know. LOVE YOU SISTER!!!!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I love you so much and you are a huge blessing to me and my family. I am so thankful for all you of guys! I don't know what we would do without you!


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