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Showing posts from April, 2019

Relaunch: Get To Know The Blogger

     I have been thinking about restarting this blog for a while now, I have several topics I want to discuss and cover. The purpose of this blog was never supposed be just Thailand and reentry and yet that's what it has become. It became a memorial to a small snippet of my life. I don't want it to stay that way, I want it to become active and engaging again. I want it to matter. While there are a list of things I want to write about; serious things, impertinent things, things that I believe in and I'm passionate about. However, for a small relaunch I wanted to do a little re-get to know me. I got these "Meet the Blogger" questions from  The Tully Tales , so let's go. What’s your Favorite Book?  This is a tough one because I am an avid reader and I read so many different genres and authors. I'm going to go with Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer. It has been one of my favorites since I was in elementary school and reread it every year. I also love Anne of Gree...